This is the Battle Royale page.  Here I will have a vote on who people will think will win a fight.  It is sort of in the lines of the MTV show "Celebrity Deathmatch"  I hope you will enjoy and if you have comments on the fight you can e-mail me and I will post the results weekly.


Comments: E-mail me here.

Well the results are in.
Happy Gilmore 65%
Bob Barker 35%

I am rather upset about the number of votes, only 37 voted.  Be sure to tell you friends all about this page.  I also received emails saying that people couldn't read the poll so I will now start saying it here in this part.  This weeks fight is between Fat Albert and Eric Cartman.  Enjoy this fight and once again if you have comments about the fight let me know and I will post it for everyone to see.

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